How To Recharge Yourself And Bounce Back

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how to recharge yourself

If you have ever felt down or at a low point in life, you might have wondered how to recharge yourself – this means how you can regain lost strength to be able to face life courageously.

Recharging yourself has become necessary in today’s fast-paced world, where being busy always has become normalized and sometimes even praised.

It’s no wonder many people often feel drained, tired or burnt out. Are you constantly exhausted? Do you need a break from everyday life? Do you always feel tired and don’t know where to start to regain your strength? This article will help!


What Does It Mean To Recharge Yourself?

When you recharge an electronic gadget, for example, you are bringing it back to life or energizing it by connecting it to a source of energy.

In the same way, recharging yourself means reenergizing yourself through those activities that give you energy.

Recharging yourself can look like different things to different people – to one person; it can be taking a stroll and reading a good book afterwards, and to another person, it can be hitting the gym or getting uninterrupted sleep.

No matter what it looks like, self-care and rest must be at the core of any recharge experience. When you recharge yourself, you restore the energy you need to take you through your day.

Have you ever been sleep-deprived or weak from stress, then you got a good rest? How did that make you feel? It must have left you feeling recharged and ready to take on the rest of your day, right? Exactly! This is why recharging yourself is very important.


Why Do People Feel Drained Or Tired?

how to recharge yourself

Many factors can contribute to your feelings of stress or fatigue. These include your daily physical activities to even mental activities.

Some causes include too much physical exertion, lack of sleep, too little physical activity, bad eating habits, stress, trauma, excessive alcohol use etc.

Sometimes, even the things that we love to do can drain us when we do them too much or without breaks. For example, working too much can lead to burnout and leave you needing a recharge.


How Often Should You Recharge Yourself?

Should recharging yourself be something you do daily, weekly, monthly or yearly? You should recharge yourself as much as you need to. Self-care has no limits!

Many people feel recharging is an exercise that should be done after long stretches. For example, taking a much-needed vacation after years of working. While this is also a good way to recharge yourself, recharging yourself is not limited to such methods.

In reality, recharging yourself should be something you do consistently rather than at the edge of a mental breakdown or burnout.

If you make it a habit to recharge yourself regularly, you won’t ever have to get to the point of burnout. Always getting to the point of exhaustion before taking a break may make you less productive and less happy too.


Benefits Of Recharging Yourself

how to recharge yourself

Why should you recharge yourself? The benefits of recharging yourself are numerous, but here are a few:

1.  It reduces your stress levels – Step away from stress by recharging yourself through relaxation or any other activity that helps you rest.

2.  It boosts your creativity – By recharging yourself through self-care and rest, you are sharpening your mind, and this will create space for your creativity to flourish.

3.  It strengthens your immune system – Recharging yourself gives your body a chance to rest and recuperate. Stress and daily activities of life can impact your body’s ability to protect itself, so recharging is an essential way to boost it.

4.  It helps you live a happier life – You are happier when you always find time to recharge yourself because it gives you creativity, strength and joy in all you do!


12 Ways To Recharge Yourself

Now that you know why recharging yourself is important, here are 12 methods on how to recharge yourself that you may find helpful


1.  Take A Break

At the core of recharging yourself is self-care and rest, which is why it is essential that you take a break from the activities that may be draining you so that you can prioritize self-care and rest.

Taking a break does not mean that such a break has to be lengthy or that you have to do something time-consuming; it just means that you give yourself some time off from the activities that usually take up a large chunk of your time.

For a mother, it can look like hiring a babysitter for some hours so that she can go out with her girls. For a student, it can look like taking an hour’s break from studying to take a walk and breathe fresh air.

For a remote worker, taking a 30-min power nap to get your energy level up is a great example of how you can recharge yourself at work. So whatever it looks like to you, stop to take a break and recharge.

It is essential to see breaks as part of your activities and not as a different aspect of life. This perspective will help you prioritize taking breaks when you need to recharge yourself throughout your day.


2.  Do Something Recreational Or Relaxing

how to recharge yourself

This is a good example of how to recharge yourself mentally. Sometimes it’s not your body that is tired but your mind. When your mind is exhausted, it can lead to creativity blocks or poor decision-making. So it may not help if you keep at those activities.

Instead, engaging in recreational or relaxing activities is a sure way to recharge your mental batteries and get your creative juices flowing. Recreational activities range from reading and playing games to taking a walk or doing meditation.

These recreational activities are for leisure and to take you away from your everyday responsibilities. Recreational or relaxation activities are also designed to help you manage stress and be more connected to your inner child.

So if you have been avoiding such activities, this is your sign to embrace them! Clear those mental blocks by having some fun.


3.  Do A Digital Detox

Let’s do a quick check of your screen time. Scroll to the ‘Settings section on your phone, go to Screen Time and look at how many hours every day you spend looking at your phone screen.

How long is it? I bet that it may be every other hour that you’re not sleeping. I get it, the world has gone digital, and everything is online these days.

But perhaps, that is the more reason why digital detox is an underrated method of how to recharge yourself in the 21st century.

Spending all your time in front of screens, from your TV to your laptop to your phones, can be so draining and make you forget that there’s still a real world outside the virtual world.

To recharge yourself, make time to avoid technology and do some non-virtual activities like reading or gardening.

You can also decide to allot how much time you spend on such devices, so you always know when to get up and go outside for real living!


4.  Do Some Meditation To Clear Your Mind

Meditation is the act of focusing your mind for a length of time in order to clear out distractions or wandering thoughts. Meditation can be beneficial to remind you of the things that matter while clearing out the junk from your mind.

The great thing about meditation is that you only need some quiet to do it – you can take 10 minutes at work to go to someplace quiet and focus on clearing your mind and relaxing your muscles while reminding yourself of what’s important.

This world around you can get so noisy, which is why meditation is so powerful and helpful if you’re looking for how to recharge yourself quickly.

Meditation has many benefits, from helping you gain new perspectives on situations by removing the noise to helping you focus on the present moments and the things you can handle.

If you feel drained as you read this, try meditating for 5 minutes, and you’ll notice how recharged you’ll start to feel.


5.  Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness represents that state of complete awareness and being present in any situation you may find yourself in. It means being fully aware of the things around you because you are fully present, mind and body, and can pay close attention to them.

Multitasking has become very prevalent in this time and day, where people try to do so many things at the same time. However, the truth is that there is no such thing as multitasking. The human brain cannot focus on more than one thing at a time.

What happens instead is context-switching, which means rapidly moving from one task to another. Not only can this lead to burnout, it quickly drains you and leaves you worn out.

Practicing mindfulness is a great way to recharge, but even better is when you make mindfulness a lifestyle! If you don’t know where to start, read ways to be more mindful here.


6.  Get Enough Sleep

A nursery school poem goes like this: ‘ Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.’ It nicely sums up the benefits of good sleep so that even a child can understand how important it is to sleep well and early too.

Sleep is often taken for granted by adults, mainly because there always seems to be a lot to do. This has given rise to many sleep disorders like insomnia which is the inability to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Therefore, an excellent way to recharge may be to get all the sleep you have been missing. It is how to recharge yourself daily. It is recommended that adults sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours a night for optimal productivity, effectiveness and general well-being or body health.

If you find it hard to sleep for long at night because you have to get up early, and you do not have the opportunity to sleep so early to make up for it, you can make time for siestas during that day to keep you recharged.


7.  Spend Time With Family Or Loved Ones

Spending time with your family is a beautiful way to recharge yourself mentally (and maybe physically if you have smaller relatives who love running around!).

Family time increases your happiness and satisfaction, reduces stress levels, and reminds you that you have people who genuinely care for you and love you the way you are.

If you work far from home or commute daily to work, spending time with your family is an excellent way to recharge and catch up on all the family time you may have missed out on.

Families often share solid emotional bonds, so spending time with your family is how to recharge yourself emotionally from time to time.

Also, families act as solid support systems, so taking time out to spend with your family or loved ones is a good way to recharge yourself.


8.  Get Active Through Exercise

how to recharge yourself

Lack of physical movement is a leading cause of fatigue. For example, if you work remotely and always sit at a desk all day, you’re bound to feel tired constantly.

This is because physical inactivity compromises your health and leads to health conditions like fatigue, obesity, and reduced blood circulation, which increases your stress levels.

Therefore, physical exercise is an excellent way to recharge yourself physically, not to mention the numerous health benefits of exercising.

These include weight control, increased blood circulation, better physical and mental health, reduced risk of heart-related diseases, better posture, better mood etc.

If joining a gym is too sudden a stretch, you can make adjustments over time. For example, adding 10 to 20 minutes of home exercises to your daily routine, using the stairs instead of taking the elevator, and taking short walks on errands instead of using a vehicle.


9.  Connect With Nature

The beautiful thing about nature is that it is a constant reminder of all the beauty we often miss because of our fast-paced life. We’re constantly in front of so much technology that we forget to appreciate nature.

We look at chandeliers and forget to look at the breathtaking blue skies. We’re used to so much air-conditioning that we can’t remember how refreshing an evening breeze feels on the skin.

Connecting with nature is how you recharge yourself from the inside out and get that fresh burst of strength to start again or continue.

Nature has a unique way of reminding you to be grateful and provokes deep thoughts of peace and assurance of a better tomorrow within you.

If you feel tired, try going for a walk and notice the shape of the moon, the direction the evening breeze rushes from, or how the trees sway in the breeze. If you’re close to a body of water, watching the water flow can be very calming and therapeutic.


10.  Give Yourself A Hug And Encouragement

Sometimes, self-love is all you need! Really, when last did you hug yourself? You don’t have to wait for someone else; you can start right now to give yourself some self-care and appreciation.

It’s incredible to have friends and loved ones that we can always call when we feel down to support us, but there’ll always be times when you have to be there for yourself first.

This is where this method of recharging yourself comes in – give yourself a big, tight hug by wrapping your arms around yourself and saying words of appreciation for yourself.

It’s easy to get used to other people saying good things about us that we forget that we should hear it from ourselves as well.

Encouraging yourself is an amazing way to boost your self-confidence and quickly recharge yourself when you need a morale booster.


11.  Improve Your Diet And Eating Habits

What do you find yourself eating often? Are you in the habit of making do the closest thing you can reach for due to working hours, or are you often eating fast food because you don’t have the time to prepare a proper meal?

Or do you eat only once or twice a day? Do you have the habit of skipping breakfast? This may be a cause of your fatigue or tiredness. To recharge yourself, consider improving your diet and eating habits.

Your body needs fuel to survive, and it gets it from the food you eat. However, that does not mean you should eat any food.

What your body needs to function at an optimal level is a balanced diet which contains all the classes of food (carbs, proteins, fats, fruits and vegetables etc.) in proportionate quantities.


12.  Do Some Exploration Or Take A Hike

To recharge yourself, you don’t need to go far or spend much money. Taking a hike or exploring the great outdoors offers many opportunities for self-reflection and renewal.

You can drive along the coast. You can go for a walk in the woods or go camping with friends. If you’re feeling brave, try rock climbing. If you can afford it, you can go shopping around town and treat yourself to something special (maybe an outfit or jewelry).

If you don’t feel like going anywhere, take a walk around your neighborhood or go to the mall and explore the stores. This helps you get out of your comfort zone and gives you time to think about things too.

You can also do something that doesn’t require much effort but gives you some strong feelings of accomplishment. You may find that exploration is less stressful than you expected!


Activities To Recharge Yourself

how to recharge yourself

Everyone has different tastes in things they like to do to give them that lift of energy. However, here are some activities that will provide you with ideas on how to recharge yourself.

1. Take a warm, soaking bath.

2. Stretch and do some yoga.

3. Get some sleep.

4. Minimize your screen time and do physical activities like writing or playing games.

5. Do artsy stuff like painting, coloring or doing some paper mâché.

6. Do some baking or cooking; you can even try a new recipe.

7. Go on a hiking adventure with friends.

8. Visit a new spot in town.

9. Make a list of your achievements in your gratitude journal.

10. Try out something that you have been meaning to do but never got the time to do.

Making these little adjustments and adding these activities to your daily or weekly routine can significantly improve your physical and mental health and make you more content and happier with life.

It will also help you imbibe the habit of recharging regularly instead of waiting a long time.



Taking a break from your work or other daily activities can seem daunting, but rest assured that the world will not fall apart in your absence.

Taking time off to recharge regularly helps you see the world from a content state of mind, while stress can remove the joy from even the most beautiful situations. So get recharging today, and your mind and body will thank you for it!

I hope this helps you to recharge yourself. Which of the 12 tips for recharging yourself will you be trying out first? Which one have you tried out before? Let’s talk in the comments.

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Author: Afam Uche

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